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Cataloging & Record Keeping

One of the most important elements of any art risk management plan is ensuring that the object’s owner has documented the ownership of the artwork as completely and accurately as possible.  This includes establishing and maintaining provenance and cataloging the art according to international standards.  Accomplishing this not only contributes to the object’s cultural heritage and value, it proves to be invaluable should the artwork ever be stolen or damaged.

The Annapolis Group can catalog a client’s collection whether it contains one or several hundred art objects using the most up-to-date techniques.  This ensures that all required information about each work is properly documented should the client contemplate sale or should the object be stolen, which may necessitate a variety of law enforcement and art world notifications.

Conservation & Restoration

Preserving the condition of works or art from damage and deterioration is critical in maintaining value and cultural heritage.  Whether from accidental or environmental damage or natural aging, any art work needs to be protected.  Aside from establishing a preventative conservation plan, at times, intervention by qualified conservationists and/or restorers may be required.  If action is required, it is critically important that the conservation plan and its implementation be carried out in a well thought out step-by-step sequence ensuring minimally invasive intervention and completely reversible techniques and applications.  The choices made in conserving and/or restoring a work of art can make a significant difference in its value.

Our partners are the best in their field in whatever conservation or restoration techniques are required for any type of art object.

Contact us today for a Complimentary Consultation.